BITSAT online registration have started from jan 4, 2019.
the deadline to fill the form along with the submission of non refundable applications fees is5:00 PM, 20th March 2019.
BITSAT-2019 is a Computer based online test for Admissions to Integrated First Degree Programmes of BITS Pilani Campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad.
application started from: jan 4,2019
application started from: jan 4,2019
- Open and click on “BITS Application” or directly go
BITSAT Application Form 2020 - Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani will release the BITSAT 2020 application form through the official website. The BITSAT Application Form 2020 will be released tentatively in the first week of January 2020. To appear for the entrance exam candidates need to submit their application form before the last date.